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Peer reviewed journals


(* = lab student contribution)

Aafjes-van Doorn, K. & de Jong, K. (2022). How to make the most of ROM: A multitude of clinical decisions and nuances to consider. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, ROM Issue. In press.


De Jong, K. & Aafjes-van Doorn, K (2022). The need for case illustrations on how to best implement ROM. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, ROM Issue. In press.


Aafjes-van Doorn, K. & Meisel, J.  (2022) Implementing routine outcome monitoring in a psychodynamic training clinic: It’s complicated. Counselling Psychology Quarterly (in press).

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J., Weber, R., Ehrenthal, J., & Joyce, A. (2022). The relationship between patients' personality traits, the alliance, and change in interpersonal distress in intensive group treatment for personality dysfunction Journal of Personality Disorders (in press).

McCollum,J., Kealy, D., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Silberschatz. G (2022) The Pathogenic Beliefs Scale - Revised: A transtheoretical measure of maladaptive beliefs that are associated with psychological distress (submitted).

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Liu, A, & Kamsteeg, C., (2022). Videorecorded treatment sessions for professional development. Counselling Psychology Review. (In press)

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Békés, V., Luo, X., Prout, T. A., & Hoffman, L. (2021). Practicing Online During COVID-19: Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic Therapists’ Experiences. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. In press.


Kuprian, N., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Gutterman*, D. & Barber, J.P. (2022). Therapeutic immediacy in psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression: A mixed-method study. Psychotherapy. Advance online publication.


Bekes, V., & Aafjes-van Doorn, K (2022). Patients’ Attachment Avoidance and their Perceived Quality of the Real Relationship Predict Patients’ Attitudes Towards Telepsychotherapy. Counseling Psychology Quarterly. In press. DOI: 10.1080/09515070.2022.2075324


Békés, V., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., & Bőthe, B., (2022). Assessing Patients’ Attitudes towards Telepsychotherapy: The Development of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology -Patient Version".  Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 10.1002/cpp.2760


Aafjes-van Doorn, K, & Horne*, S. (2022). Beyond Treatment Modalities: Clinical Decisions and Relational Dynamics that Facilitate Change in Group Treatments. Clinical Psychology. 78 (8), 1637-1649.


Békés, V., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., McCollum,J., Prout, T.R., & Hoffman, L (2022).The development of a self‐report scale to assess therapists' acceptance of telepsychotherapy. Clinical Psychology.Advance Online Publication


Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Bar-Sella, A., Zilcha-Mano, S., Luo, X.,  Silberschatz, G., Kealy, D., McCollum, J.,  & Snyder, J. (2022). Within-patient perceptions of alliance and attunement: Associations with progress in psychotherapy. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy.


Aafjes-van Doorn, K., & Prout, T. A. (2022). Changing attitudes toward evidence-based psychodynamic psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Psychology. Advance online publication.


Aafjes-van Doorn, K. (2022). The complexity of teletherapy: Not better or worse, but different. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.
Advance online publication.


Aafjes-van Doorn, K. Békés, V, & Zweig, R (2021). Clinical psychology graduate students: Lessons learned from a sudden transition to online education. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.

Békés, V., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Zilcha-Mano, S., Prout, T. A., & Hoffman, M. D. (2021). Psychotherapists’ Acceptance of Telepsychotherapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Machine Learning Approach. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Békés, V., Luo, X (2021). COVID-related traumatic distress in psychotherapy patients during the pandemic: The role of attachment, alliance, and therapeutic agency. Brain Sciences. 11, 1288.


Békés, V., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Spina, D., Talia, A., Starrs, C. J., & Perry, J. C. The relationship between defense mechanisms and attachment as measured by observer-rated methods in a sample of depressed patients: A pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology, 4152.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Békés, V., Luo, X., Prout, T. A., & Hoffman, L. (2021). Therapists’ Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy


Békés, V., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Luo, X., Prout, T. A., & Hoffman, M. D. (2021). Psychotherapists' challenges with online therapy during COVID-19: Concerns about connectedness predict therapists’ negative view of online therapy and its perceived efficacy over time. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 3036.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Békés, V., Luo, X., Prout, T. A., & Hoffman, L. (2021). What do therapist defense mechanisms have to do with their experience of professional self-doubt and vicarious trauma during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Frontiers in Psychology

Aafjes-van Doorn, K, McCollum, J, Kealy, D., Silberschatz, G., & Snyder, J., (2021). Interpersonal and social functioning among psychotherapy patients: the indirect effect of childhood adversity. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 

Aafjes-van Doorn, K, McCollum, J, Kealy, D., Silberschatz, G., & Snyder, J., (2021). Perceived adverse parenting in childhood and psychological distress among psychotherapy patients: The mediating role of pathogenic beliefs, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Nissen, K. J., & Chen*, Z. (2021). Learning styles in counseling: a scoping review of the empirical evidence. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-25.

Kufferath-Lin*,T, Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Prout, T. A., & Hoffman, L., (2021). An Examination of Parent Sessions in Regulation Focused Psychotherapy for Children, Psychotherapy 58, 109 -120,

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Kamsteeg, C., Bate, J., & Aafjes., M. (2021). A Scoping Review of Machine Learning in Psychotherapy Research. Psychotherapy Research, 31(1), 92-116.

Hackett, S. S., Zubala, A., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Chadwick, T., Harrison, T. L., Bourne, J., ... & McNamara, R. (2020). A randomised controlled feasibility study of interpersonal art psychotherapy for the treatment of aggression in people with intellectual disabilities in secure care. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6(1), 1-14.

Prout, T. A., Zilcha-Mano, S., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Békés, V., Christman-Cohen, I., Whistler, K., ... & Di Giuseppe, M. (2020). Identifying predictors of psychological distress during COVID-19: A machine learning approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3063.

Bayne, H., Impellizzeri, J.., Michel., R.E., Dietlin, O., Aafjes-van Doorn, K. (2020). Impact of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election on Politically Divided Relationships, Counseling and Values, 65, 137-154. doi: 10.1002/cvj.12134

Hackett, S. S., Zubala, A., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Chadwick, T., Harrison, T. L., Bourne, J., ... & McNamara, R. (2020). A randomised controlled feasibility study of interpersonal art psychotherapy for the treatment of aggression in people with intellectual disabilities in secure care. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6(1), 1-14.

Prout, T. A., Zilcha-Mano, S., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Békés, V., Christman-Cohen, I., Whistler, K., ... & Di Giuseppe, M. (2020). Identifying predictors of psychological distress during COVID-19: A machine learning approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3063.

Békés, V., Aafjes–van Doorn, K., Prout, T. A., & Hoffman, L. (2020). Stretching the Analytic Frame: Analytic Therapists’ Experiences with Remote Therapy During COVID-19. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 0003065120939298.

Békés, V., & Aafjes-van Doorn, K. (2020). Psychotherapists’ attitudes toward online therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 30(2), 238-247.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Békés, V., Prout, T. A., & Hoffman, L. (2020). Psychotherapists' vicarious traumatization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Békés, V., & Prout, T. A. (2020). Grappling with our therapeutic relationship and professional self-doubt during COVID-19: will we use video therapy again?. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-12.

Békés, V., Aafjes–van Doorn, K., Prout, T. A., & Hoffman, L. (2020). Stretching the Analytic Frame: Analytic Therapists’ Experiences with Remote Therapy During COVID-19. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 0003065120939298.

Békés, V., & Aafjes-van Doorn, K. (2020). Psychotherapists’ attitudes towards online therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal for Psychotherapy Integration. Vol. 30, No. 2, 238 –247.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Békés, V., Prout, T. A., & Hoffman, L. (2020). Psychotherapists' vicarious traumatization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Békés, V., & Prout, T. A. (2020). Grappling with our therapeutic relationship and professional self-doubt during COVID-19: will we use video therapy again?. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-12.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K. Porcerelli, J., & Müller-Frommeyer, L. C., (2020). Language style matching in psychotherapy: An implicit aspect of alliance. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67 (4), 509–522

Aafjes-van Doorn, K. & Müller-Frommeyer, L. C. (2020). Reciprocal language style matching in psychotherapy research. Counseling & Psychotherapy Research, 20,449–455.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J., Weber, R., Ehrenthal, J., & Joyce, A. (2020). The effect of hopelessness and perceived group compatibility on treatment outcome for patients with personality dysfunction.  The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. (Advance Online Publication)

Kealy, D., Aafjes‐van Doorn, K., Ehrenthal, J. C., Weber, R., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., & Joyce, A. S. (2020). Improving social functioning and life satisfaction among patients with personality dysfunction: Connectedness and engagement in integrative group treatment. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 27, 288–299.

 Aafjes-van Doorn, K., McCollum, J., Silberschatz, G., & Snyder, J. (2020). Assessing internalized beliefs: Development of the Pathogenic Belief Scale. Development and Psychopathology, 1-13. Advance online publication

 Aafjes-van Doorn, K. Etchebarne, I., Garay, C, Kamsteeg, C., & Roussos, A.. (2020). Psychotherapy for personal growth? A multicultural and multitheoretical exploration. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76,1255–1266.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Portier*, K., & Kamsteeg* (2020). A dialectical behavior therapy skills group in a psychoanalytic community service: A pilot study. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 34(1), 21-46.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Silberschatz, G., Kamsteeg, C (2019) Cognitive mediators of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and adult psychopathology: A systematic review. Development and Psychopathology. 1-13.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., & Sweeney*, K. (2019). The effect of initial therapy contact: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 74, 101786.

Minges, M., Zilcha-Mano, S., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Gorman, B. & Barber, J.P. (2019) Interpersonal problems of cocaine dependent adults differ from those of a normative sample. Addiction Research & Theory. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/16066359.2019.1688304

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Kealy, D., Ogrodniczuk, J., Weber, R., Ehrenthal, J., & Joyce, A. (2019). Improving self-esteem through integrative group therapy for personality dysfunction: Investigating the role of the therapeutic alliance and quality of object relations. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 75, 2079–2094. 

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Zilcha-Mano, S., Graham*, K., Caldari*, A., Barber, J. P., Chambless, D.L., & Milrod, B. (2019). The role of safety behaviors in panic disorder treatment: Self-regulation or self-defeat?. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 49(4), 203-212.

Nehrig, N., Prout, T., & Aafjes-van Doorn (2019) Whose anxiety are we treating, anyway?. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 75(10), 1866-1878.

Zalman*, H., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., & Eubanks, C. (2019). Alliance challenges in the treatment of a narcissistic patient: The case of Alex. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 22(9). Advance online publication

Solomonov, N., Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Lipner, L.M., Gorman, B.S., Milrod, B., Rudden, M.G., Chambless, D.L., & Barber, J.P. (2019). Panic-focused reflective functioning and comorbid borderline traits as predictors of change in quality of object relations in panic disorder treatments. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 49(4), 255-264.

Hackett, S. S., & Aafjes-van Doorn, K. (2019). Psychodynamic art psychotherapy for the treatment of aggression in an individual with antisocial personality disorder in a secure forensic hospital: A single-case design study. Psychotherapy, 56(2), 297-308.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Klinar Alfaro, D., Fialová, M., & Kamsteeg, C. (2018). Psychotherapy integration training around the globe: A personal and empirical perspective. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 28(4), 505-520.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., & Wooldridge, T. (2018). The complexity of loss during a forced termination: A case illustration. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 34(2), 285-299.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., & Barber, J.P. (2018). Mechanisms of change in treatments of Personality Disorders: Commentary on the special section. Journal of Personality Disorders, 32, 143-151.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., & Barber, J. P. (2017). Systematic review of in-session affect experience in cognitive behavioral therapy for depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 41(6), 807-828.

Silberschatz, G. & Aafjes-van Doorn, K. (2017). Pathogenic beliefs mediate the relationship between perceived negative parenting and psychopathology symptoms. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 26(3), 258-275. 10.1080/10926771.2016.1259279

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Lilliengren, P, Cooper, A., Macdonald, J., & Falkenström, F. (2017) Patients’ affective processes within initial experiential dynamic therapy sessions. Psychotherapy, 54(2), 175-183.

Snyder, J. & Aafjes-van Doorn, K. (2016). Utilizing measure-based feedback in control-mastery theory: A clinical error. Psychotherapy, 53, 291-296.

Aafjes-van Doorn, K., Macdonald, J., Stein, M., Cooper, A. M., & Tucker, S. (2014). Experiential dynamic therapy: A preliminary investigation into the effectiveness and process of the extended initial session. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 70(10), 914-923.

Van Doorn, K., McManus, F., & Yiend, J. (2012). An analysis of matching cognitive-behavior therapy techniques to learning styles. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 43, 1039-1044.

McManus, F., Van Doorn, K., & Yiend, J. (2011). Examining the effects of thought records and behavioral experiments in instigating belief change. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 43, 540-547.


Books and Book Chapters


Aafjes-van Doorn, K., & Gutterman, D*., (in press). Psychotherapy; Current Evidence and Trends. Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 3rd Edition. Elsevier.

Llewelyn, S., & Aafjes-van Doorn, K. (2017). Clinical Psychology: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Llewelyn, S., Macdonald, J. & Aafjes-van Doorn, K. (2016). Process-Outcome Studies. In (Ed. J. Norcross) APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology: Theory and research (Vol2)  (pp 451-463), Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Llewelyn, S., Hardy, G. & Aafjes-van Doorn, K. (2015) Chapter 11. Psychologists as researchers. In J. Hall (Ed.) Clinical psychology in Britain: Historical perspectives, (pp. 154-167). Leicester, UK: British Psychological Society.

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